Topping Tumble

  • Academic project
  • Design & programming
  • Mar 2024 - May 2024

Skills Applied

  • Game design
  • C# programming
  • Architecture planning
  • Documentation
  • Teamworking
  • MonoGame library
  • Architecture programming


Topping Tumble is a 2D puzzle game where the player alters the level by placing tiles and contraptions in order to guide sentient ingredients into an oven. It was a class project created in the span of a semester based on the prompt, "you can't make me". It was developed in a team of four. My contribution to the project was in the planning phase, gameplay design, and programming the underlying structure and some gameplay systems.

Process & Challenges

This project was developed in the MonoGame library and not a full game engine with an interface. This led to challenges while creating the game's code structure, running tests, and building levels. As part of the project requirements, we also developed a full design document outlining our plan and goals.

Samples & Links