Project Roguelike

Project Roguelike

  • Personal project
  • Developer
  • Aug 2020 - Dec 2020

Skills Applied

  • Game design
  • C# programming
  • Unity engine
  • Playtesting


This is an unfinished experiment initially created to playtest the game design for a scrapped roguelike project where the player is a necromancer. The plan was for the player's health bar, which is composed of souls, to also double as a magic mana meter. The player could also revive slain enemies to create an army to make combat easier.

Process & Challenges

The project began by developing an algorithm which would allow for interesting, randomly-generated dungeon layouts featuring hand-crafted rooms. After this, the player and enemy systems were developed. An A* pathfinding algorithm and clumping avoidance behavior was implemented to form enemy AI.

Samples & Links